Privacy statement

This Privacy Statement explains what personal data is, what data Ingage-Aetos and its legal entities can collect, why we do this, how long we keep the data and what your rights are.

Privacy statement

In deze Privacyverklaring leggen we uit wat persoonsgegevens zijn, welke gegevens Ingage-Aetos en haar dochterondernemingen (kunnen) verzamelen, waarom we dit doen, hoe lang we de gegevens bewaren en wat uw rechten zijn.


Privacyverklaring Ingage-Aetos

Kingsfordweg 43-117
Postbus 37684, 1030 BH AMSTERDAM
088 – 205 6460

Do you have questions about this Privacy Statement, about the processing of your personal data or do you have other questions about this subject? Please send an e-mail to the above e-mail address for the attention of the Data Protection Officer. He/she can be reached at


Collecting and processing personal data

We treat your personal data with care and as permitted by law. We collect and process your personal data for the purpose of providing and administering your mortgage loan, preventing and combating fraud, having the loans provided by group companies audited, and preventing us from doing business with criminals and terrorists, for example. We also use your personal data to conduct statistical and scientific research. If you do not want to provide us with your personal data, we will not be able to provide you with a mortgage loan or administer it.

We process personal data pursuant to the performance of the agreement. We also need to process your personal data to comply with our legal obligations. We will retain your personal data for as long as permitted by our internal policies and applicable laws and regulations.


Which personal data do we process?

We process the following personal data from you in these ways:

  • Data that you provide to us, whether or not through your intermediary;
  • Contact details;
  • Identification data including BSN;
  • Financial data including IBAN;
  • Occupational and income data;
  • Property characteristics;
  • IP address;
  • Additional relevant data.

Are you married or living with a partner? If so, please provide the terms of your marriage or partnership:

  • Your signature;
  • A copy of your proof of identity.

Data obtained from other sources:

  • Data from the Central Credit Information System (BKR-CKI);
  • The incident alert system of the Stichting Fraudebestrijding Hypotheken (SFH);
  • Data from the Verification Information System (VIS);
  • Possibly data from various registers (including the Central Insolvency Register and sanctions lists);
  • Data from the Land Registry;
  • Data from the Chamber of Commerce.


With whom do we share your personal data?

If necessary, we share (some of) your personal data with the following (types of) parties:

  • Bank;
  • Administrator and/or curator;
  • Credit Registration Office;
  • Bailiff;
  • Investors of Ingage Aetos;
  • Complaints Institute for Financial Services (Kifid);
  • Notary Public;
  • Persons and parties with whom Ingage-Aetos collaborates for your loan. Also outside the European Economic Area;
  • Home Ownership Guarantee Fund Foundation (NHG);
  • Appraiser and broker;
  • Intermediary;
  • You as the party concerned;
  • Insurance company.

If we use processors to process your personal data, we will enter into a processing agreement with them.
In addition to sharing personal data with these individuals and parties, we may be required by law to share data with, for example, the Tax Administration or with the Justice Department, in the context of legal proceedings or with other government agencies.


What are your rights?

If you wish to view or transfer your personal data, you may do so based on the “General Data Protection Regulation (AVG)”, the “AVG Implementation Act” and the “Code of Conduct for the Processing of Personal Data by Financial Institutions”.
Would you like to view or transfer your data? If so, you can request this by sending an e-mail to or by post via:

Attn: Privacy Officer
P.O. Box 37684
088 – 205 6460

Please include in your request your address and contact information, your mortgage number and what right you wish to invoke. We may ask you to identify yourself following your request.

Insofar as you yourself have given permission for the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw your permission at any time.
In the following cases, you can contact us in writing at the above address:

  • If you wish to correct, supplement or remove incorrect data;
  • if you want us to process less data about you; or
  • if you wish to object to the processing of your personal data.

In the following cases, we may not approve your request:

  • If the request is unfounded;
  • if it is a request that we are not legally required to comply with;
  • if we need your personal data for the performance of the agreement we have with you; or
  • if we have a legitimate interest in the processing.


Do you have a complaint?

Do you have a complaint about our processing of your personal data or do you have a complaint about our response to your request? If so, you can file a complaint with us and/or with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.



Ingage-Aetos takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against:

  • accidental or intentional manipulation;
  • loss;
  • destruction;
  • access by unauthorized persons; and
  • other unlawful processing operations.

Our security measures are continuously improved in accordance with generally accepted security standards.


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Ingage-Aetos has the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement. Here we do not need to inform you in advance. If we make changes then you can find the amended version on this website.


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